Sunday, September 29, 2013

EDET 573 Week 6 Digital Story

This the digital story I created for our Week 6 Project.


  1. Deb-
    I really loved your video. It really gives not only parents, but students something to think about. I saw a saying that someone posted the other day on Facebook and it said, "We have a new social media website that students should try out... it is called OUTSIDE!!" I noticed the slight humor in it. Great job with video!

  2. Deb - Your movie brought back a lot of memories of just going outside in the mornings and staying out until you caught a jar full of lightning bugs. It is more work for parents today to get the kids outside and to create their own games. Most activities now are so structured or organized teams that the creativity of making up a game with a ball or a stick as you go seems to be lost. My sister still laughs at me as being the only kid who played school that actually had lesson plans. My childhood chalkboard that I taught the neighborhood on hangs in my kitchen now.
